Thursday, May 15, 2014

On The Course May 15th

Pear Tree and Tulips in Bloom
It has been a very raining stretch of weather but we were finally able to get out and get some turf mowed. There are still a lot of wet areas but there is some hope in the forecast. The crew was able to get fairways, approaches and bunker banks mowed yesterday. Sheldon and Craig started to work on mowing rough around the greens and tees. They will be skipping some of the wet areas and we will get back to these when the grounds dries.
Our greens aerification was rained out on Monday and has been rescheduled for May 19th. If the rest of the course remains dry enough we will start on tee and fairway aerification also. We will be scarifying fairways and topdressing them with sand. This will take a few days to complete and we might be making some late evenings or overnight shifts to catch up on this task. Below is a picture of what the needle tine process will look like on the greens. Minimally invasive but will provide some much needed air exchange to the roots of the putting surfaces.
Fernando needle tining greens in 2013

Tony Duerr mowing approaches yesterday

Corey Heasley working on an irrigation repair on 11 approach

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