Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On The Course February 29th

We have recieved some much needed moisture over the past 24 hours. The weather started out as rain and turned over to snow. This morning we currently have 5-6 inches of wet heavy snow sitting on the course. Shaun is out working on plowing the snow and getting the lots clear but it has been a very slow process with the wet snow.

What does this mean for the golf course?

The course remains fozen on the surface but the rain has pooled  up in some areas. The greens should have surface drained and will continue to drain off with the warmer temperatures we are looking at for the next couple of days. With rain turning over to snow the snow will insulate the water underneath and keep it from freezing. There is more snow predicted for later today and we will be taking a course tour on Friday morning to determine how the course has drained. This will gives a good idea of how the greens have drained and the condition of the rest of the turf areas.

The good news is that we are almost into March and the turf has been in great shape up until this point and should be able to tolerate some ice for a couple of weeks. Specifically the putting surfaces should be in really good shape knowing that they are still frozen and the rain will not soak into the turf canopy and then refreeze causing damage. I will be posting a more detailed report on Friday afternoon with some pictures of what we find out on the course once it has had a chance drain off and the current weather system has passed.

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