Toni Duerr mowing #11 fairway |
We are working on some small detail projects today and will be charging the irrigation system. The process of charging the irrigation is usually a pretty slow process and we will be working on some of the front nine today. The possibility of irrigation leaks after the winter we have had is typically higher with the level of frost we had in the ground. If you are on the course and see some water sitting where it shouldn't don't hesitate to call the Pro Shop and let them know about it. The staff will be moving throughout the course looking for leaks and working on charging the system today. If we have a marking flag or green and white stake near the leak we have identified it and will be getting it corrected as soon as possible.
The rough has started to grow a little and we will be allowing carts off the path starting on Friday. We still ask you use the path as much as possible and stay on the path around all greens and tees. Signs will be out directing where to get back on the path. We would like all carts to remain on the paths on the Par 3 holes and will have some holes designated as cart path only occasionally. If we get into a cold stretch of weather and the rough starts to get thinned out we might have to go back to paths only. We have typically kept the carts on the paths until May 1st but we have had some good weather.
If you have been on the course this week you have noticed we began working on regarding the Green and White tee on #13. This is part of our Master Plan and will be working on completing the tee early next week.
Slope Laser set up for #13 Green Tee |
Rough Grading the expanded Green and White Tee on #13 |