Thursday, June 21, 2012

On The Course June 21st

Root pruning along #1 Fairway
 We seem to have a break in the rain for a couple of days. Maybe we have a new trend starting for us and some of the wet areas of the course will begin to dry out. The greens were dry enough yesterday to get them mowed and cleaned up a little. They are still extremely soft and will take some time and dry weather to get them back to normal. We are mowing and rolling them this morning and they are a lot better today then yesterday. We were able to mow fairways yesterday even though we had some really wet areas. They were getting really long and needed to be mowed. We will have to work on fixing a couple of areas that are still really wet. We have been running trash pumps in areas that we can get the water to move. Some of the areas we are just moving water from one wet area to another. We have a couple of drainage projects planned when we get a reprieve from the rain.

On Monday we rented a pipe puller to pull in some pipe for the bunker irrigation addition on #12. We were also able to root prune a couple of areas of the course where the tree roots affect the finer turf areas. Behind #16 green we were able to drop the vibratory plow blade into the rough area and cut some of the tree roots that are encroaching on the putting surface. We also did a couple areas where tree roots affect the fairways during the summer dry period. We will watch these areas over the next couple of months and document our results.

We have been pumping water out of some of the low areas that do not drain very well

Fairways were mowed yesterday during the break in the rain
 The crew has been working on the bunkers a lot over the past couple of weeks. We seem to be in a pattern of getting one inch or more of rain in every rain event. This washes out the bunker edges and we have to spend a lot of time pushing sand back into the edges and higher spots in the bunkers. We have identified a few more bunkers that we will be replacing sand in this fall and checking the drainage lines.
The crew has been pushing a lot of sand over the past rain events

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